The Fed+Fit Podcast | Nurturing a Healthy Mindset for a Healthy Lifestyle
We’re back with our 7th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!
Find us HERE on iTunes and be sure to “subscribe.”
Episode 07 Topics:
- Introducing Summer Innanen!
- How and why she decided to break all the rules.
- How you can free yourself from the never-ending cycle of food/fitness reward & punishment.
- Ways to truly cultivate a healthy body image.
- What a healthy relationship with food can look like.
- Check out Summer’s website HERE.
- Check out Summer’s FREE Rock Your Body program right HERE! The first video goes live on February 23rd – be sure to sign up soon!
Our Sponsors:
- The Granilla Bar – If you enjoy our podcast, you can show your support by also supporting another great small business! Place an order with The Granilla Bar and use the identifying code “FED+FIT” in the coupon field (though, there is no discount) so that they’ll know who sent you.
- Special thanks to our producer Brandyn Miller of Primitive Wellness and the Paleo Uncensored Podcast!
We would LOVE some feedback, so feel free to leave a review in iTunes, comment below, or even give us a shout on social media!