On today’s episode, I’m chatting with my friend, mentor, and fellow blogger Jennifer Robins about Legit Bread, her books, and advice she would’ve given herself when expecting her first baby.
We’re back with our 128th episode of the Fed+Fit Podcast! Remember to check back every Monday for a new episode and be sure to subscribe on iTunes!
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- Pride of Bristol Bay – be sure to enter the promo code “fedandfit” (one word, all lowercase) at checkout for a discount during the month of October (2017).
Episode 128 Links
- Predominately Paleo (blog)
- Order Legit Bread
- Book 1: Down South Paleo
- Book 2: The Yiddish Kitchen
- Book 3: The Paleo Kids Cookbook
- Book 4: Paleo Cooking with your Instant Pot
Episode 128 Transcription
Today’s show is brought to you by Pride of Bristol Bay, where you can get truly sustainable, high quality, nutritious Alaskan sockeye salmon delivered right to your door. Pride of Bristol Bay’s wild salmon is sustainably harvested in the pristine waters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Their focused team of fisherman are committed to the highest quality in handling standards at the point of harvest, creating the unsurpassed quality and flavor you’ll find in every one of their wild sockeye filets and portions.
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Cassy Joy: Welcome back to another episode of the Fed and Fit podcast. Today, I’m joined by a friend. I consider her mentor in a lot of different avenues. She’s mentored some of my more recent projects coming up, and she’s always a joy to talk to. Always has all kinds of wonderful insights. Welcome the show, Jennifer Robins.
Jennifer Robins: Hey, hi! Thank you for having me.
Cassy Joy: {laughs} Thank you so much for coming on. If you guys are not familiar with Jen, she is over at Predominantly Paleo. She has written four; four books?
Jennifer Robins: Yep. Mm-hmm. You got it.
Cassy Joy: Four and counting. That is so exciting!
Jennifer Robins: {laughs}
Cassy Joy: {laughs} I admire it. I’ve written one, and whoo! I needed a break. {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: I hear you sister. Loud and clear, coming in.
Cassy Joy: Oh my gosh. She really is a wealth of wonderful information, incredible recipes. She’s a mom of four.
Jennifer Robins: Three.
Cassy Joy: Three. Excuse me.
Jennifer Robins: {laughs} Unless you know something I don’t!
Cassy Joy: {laughing} You just have so many things going on. I got four books and four kids.
Jennifer Robins: I know. It feels like it.
Cassy Joy: Ok, three kids.
Jennifer Robins: Well, if you count my husband, you’re actually right on the money. So there you go, yeah. Mom of 4; one of them is 41 years old. {laughs}
Cassy Joy: {laughs} Oh my goodness. So she’s a mother and she’s also the creator, in her very extensive spare time, created the phenomenon known as Legit Bread. And if you guys have not heard about Legit Bread yet, I highly recommend you look it up. I’ll link to all of Jen’s incredible project; books and blog and bread company in the show notes. But Legit Bread; I’ll let Jen tell you more about it. But she essentially served a huge need that was out there. And a need that myself, as a consumer, had. Was, how do I find really delicious paleo friendly bread that’s legit? You know. She picked the perfect name for it, because it doesn’t need much more of a description outside of that. But it’s really, really great bread. I’ve got some in my freezer that I hoard; I it from my husband.
Jennifer Robins: {laughs}
Cassy Joy: But thank you so much for coming on. And I would love to chat a little bit about legit bread, because I don’t think we’ve talked on the show since you launched. So tell us a little bit about that. And then I would love to pick your experienced mom brain, if you’re open to it.
Jennifer Robins: Oh boy. Oh yeah. Legit Bread. It started as a recipe that I developed for readers, and it was going into one of my books. And I realized that people were private messaging me; “Is there any way I can just get that recipe early? I need it now. I need to make sandwiches. I need to have some kind of normalcy in my life.” And I thought; oh my gosh. There is a demand, you know?
And I knew there were some grain-free breads on the market, but there were a few things that I felt like were not delivered. And so I wanted to create, not a product, I wanted to create a recipe and then slowly over time, I ended up selling it on the website for a while. And it just kept; the recipe itself kept selling. I finally said; you know what? There were some other things that happened in the meantime that really propelled me towards creating a food product.
It was never ever, ever, ever anywhere on my radar to create a food product. I had heard nightmare stories. I heard lots of people giving me advice saying; whatever you do, don’t do it. {laughs} So there’s a lot of days where I think; I probably should have listened to the advice rolling in. But I went forward with it, because I really felt like there was a need. And people were showing me that there was a need. So I always said from the beginning of blogging and doing this kind of work that if my mission of helping people wasn’t there, then I didn’t want to do it. But it seems like this was, even though it’s kind of an exhausting business venture, it is something that helps people manage daily living while being grain-free.
So I started doing the research, and trying to figure out. Ok, if I want to bring this product to market, how many things do I need to figure out? And there are infinitely many, is the short answer there. Finding a place to either bake the bread yourself, which I did not go that route. Or you can find copacker, which you want to make sure that they are a safe environment. Because in this field of paleo living, you’ve got people with a lot of food allergies and different things. So you can’t just make a product anywhere. Between the ingredient sourcing, and finding a place that can accommodate your needs for your customers, it’s a lot. Plus certifications on top of that, so people realize that your product is paleo certified, or whatever it is that you want to offer.
But it’s been a wild ride. And something that I think has been a learning experience for me as a business owner; as a parent, as a human, as a woman owning a business. From every direction, it’s kind of one life lesson after another. But we’re going. We’re 10 months in; no, this is the 11th month. So next month will be my one-year anniversary of having this company. And it’s been mostly fantastic. People are loving the product, which is my first and foremost noting that I need to hold onto no matter what. I have plans to expand the product line, and keep it going.
Cassy Joy: That’s so wonderful. Man. Do you mind giving folks just kind of an overview of all the different products that are included right now?
Jennifer Robins: Yeah. So I started with the original bread mix, and the original bread loaf. So you can have a ready to eat loaf. It is in some retailers on the East Coast. There’s a full list of retailers on the website. So if you need to see; is this in my neck of the woods locally, go towww.LegitBreadCompany.com, and there’s a tab at the top of retailers, and you can see every single store pretty much that carries it. It sells online too, directly through Legit Bread Company, so you can order the loaves to your house. And the way that works is they’re kept frozen until you order, and then they are pulled and sent priority mail. So they do thaw in transit. And then as soon as you receive them, you just pop them back into the freezer. Or you can refrigerate them if you think you’re going to eat them a little more quickly.
They have a shelf life, if you did not have them refrigerated at all they would last about a week. But because there are no preservatives; because they are made with only the cleanest ingredients, bread molds. That’s kind of what food does when it’s perishable and made of the good stuff. So we do encourage freezing. So it started with those two.
And then I expanded to a Legit Bread blonde mix and a Legit Bread blonde loaf. And so the blonde and the original taste almost identical. You can’t really taste a difference; but the difference is the original has psyllium husk, and the blonde has flax meal. So for people who are sensitive to one or the other, you’ve got a little option there.
And then I also have a bagel mix and a pancake mix. And the bagel mix is very easy to make, but it’s made like a traditional bagel. So you actually bloom your yeast, and hand form the bagels. And then you boil and bake them. And then the pancake mix can also be used for waffles and for muffins. So it’s a pretty versatile little arrangement there.
Cassy Joy: It is a versatile arrangement. My favorite, I would have to say right now I’m partial to the pancakes. Just because I find myself making them the most often. And man, if you drop a few blueberries in there while they’re on the griddle; {laughs} especially for me.
Jennifer Robins: Oh yeah. For sure. My kids like them with chocolate chips. And so, we don’t even have to use syrup, you know. You just use a few little dairy free chocolate chips in there, and it’s like all the sweetness you need. Top them with some ghee, or even better, some brown butter ghee, and you will not need anything else to sustain you for the rest of your life.
Cassy Joy: {laughing} That sounds like it might need to be lunch! {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: Right, I know.
Cassy Joy: That sounds awesome. Maybe I’ll make a piece of bacon to go with it. It’ll be the full picture.
Jennifer Robins: Mmm, do it.
Cassy Joy: Oh my gosh that’s wonderful. I really admire what you’ve created with Legit Bread. And I really recommend; if you guys have been looking for a solution for your yourself and for your family, something along these lines. Whether it’s the mix or the ready to eat loaf like Jen’s talked about, you really can’t go wrong. It’s wonderful products, and you’re supporting a wonderful human being.
So I have a question for you. It seems like it’s out of the blue. But something I admire most about your business, Jen, is that you seem to do a really good job of paying attention to what folks are asking for. How do you choose your next project and the kinds of things that you devote yourself to? It seems like the things that you pour your energy into are always so relevant and always so needed. Is that part of the criteria you go through? Do you sit down and have a three-point list of questions you ask yourself, or do you just kind of trust your intuition?
Jennifer Robins: You know what, I actually ask my readers a lot. And so I do rely directly on their feedback to see what they want. And there are certain areas that I’m not an expert in, so I don’t go there. If people say, “You need to do more keto.” You know, ketogenic stuff. I’m like, I don’t follow a ketogenic diet. I actually tried it twice, so I knew how my body would respond and to gain a little bit of knowledge there. But it’s not something that my body really thrives on, so it’s not something that I’m an expert in. So while my recipes may fall under that category, it’s not something that I want to necessarily pursue a lot.
But I do poll my readers for information. Because I want to make sure that I’m not doing them a disservice. And sometimes it’s as simple as, “Are you looking for more desert recipes? Are you looking for more entrees? Are you looking for more allergen friendly?” Just see what they say. A lot of times, it’s kind of what I thought. But occasionally, I’m like, oh that didn’t occur to me. So maybe I’ll work a little bit on that.
You know, as a blogger I think a lot of us really love what we do. But there are dry spells where you’re like; oh my gosh. Hit me with the inspiration stick. Because I don’t know; what do I need to be doing that I’m not doing? Or whatever. I know what my most popular recipes are. But I can’t just recreate the same thing over and over again. So I want to make sure that I’m doing a few things. That I’m giving readers what they want. That I’m being authentic to what I am good at, or what I think my attributes are. So I don’t want to go too far outside of my wheelhouse, either. I want to make sure that I’m authentic, but I’m also making people happy and helping them. So I rely on them a lot. I’m like, uh, what y’all need? I’m like, oh good you want a chicken dish? I can do that. Let’s go make some chicken, you know?
Cassy Joy: Totally.
Jennifer Robins: I think that helps keep me on task, too. Because sometimes I go off in my little dream state, and I have all kinds of ideas over there. But if they’re not really what people need or want, then it’s not going to happen.
Cassy Joy: Mm-hmm. I absolutely get that. There is something interesting. I find that I have more creative energies within a set of parameters. Than just; here’s the wild, wild west. Make something happen. {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: Right. Right. And for a while, I was making a lot of AIP recipes. Which I’m also happy to do. But I’m not an AIP blogger. I don’t eat AIP strictly. I still eat eggs. I still eat nuts. I try to limit certain things depending on what is going on with my body at the time. But because I’m not an AIP blogger, when I write AIP recipes, even though they are compliant, I find that sometimes it sets an expectation that then I can’t live up to. Because people will want more of that. Or they want my entire blog to be AIP. And it’s not going to be. That’s not ever; if anything, I set it up to have more leeway.
And even though I use the word paleo in the blog, which I was hesitant to do, by the way, four years ago when I set it up. Before I even took it to social media. I was scared of that word because it felt so limiting. So the reason I became “Predominantly Paleo” was so that I would have the flexibility to move with ingredients and not be too set; too stuck.
And even still, people will chastise you that you’re not strict enough, you’re not doing this right, whatever. So I just say; you know what? I created a place where I make whole food recipes, and I try to accommodate as many different eating styles as possible, but at the same time, I still have to follow what I know best and the way that I personally eat and the way that I feed my family. That’s the bulk of what I do. And I try to kind of shift a little bit away from there to help as many people as possible. But that’s kind of where I live.
Cassy Joy: Yeah. There’s only so much you can do. I just briefly started to deviate. When I started Fed and Fit, I was not paleo, necessarily. And some of my oldest recipes, I was looking back through the archives. I have an old stuffing recipe on there. It was this pancetta and apricot stuffing with a brandy pecan glaze.
Jennifer Robins: Mmm!
Cassy Joy: It was so good, Jen. But I used real deal Ezekiel bread in this recipe.
Jennifer Robins: Oh my gosh!
Cassy Joy: {laughing}
Jennifer Robins: How could you? {laughs}
Cassy Joy: I know, the blasphemy! Oh man. So I absolutely get that, with not wanting to necessarily box yourself in. But I was up on that end of the spectrum when I started the blog, and then as I found more personal health success with closer mirroring a paleo template, swung back down. But now I’m really getting the point where preparing for; because the blog. I had to make a decision. And I kind of want to talk about this. But I had to make a decision if it followed a business formula that I really wanted to put out there, or does it follow my life?
Jennifer Robins: Right.
Cassy Joy: You know?
Jennifer Robins: Yeah.
Cassy Joy: And there are seasons, right, for life. But in a business, it’s a little bit more straightforward. And I ultimately decided that I think it’s going to be more fun, more fulfilling, and probably more useful for it to follow what I’m actually doing in my life. So I started sharing more just gluten free kind of recipes, and we have a lot of them planned for this fall and this winter. But it’s interesting. I’m kind of swinging back up on the other side. And I appreciate that. I think it’s more realistic for our readers to see something that’s predominantly something, but not exclusively.
Jennifer Robins: Right. It’s impossible for most of us to maintain that over time. Just in being a parent, my kids are not strict paleo because they don’t have autoimmune disease. They have gluten and dairy intolerances, which is why I try to feed them in a way that might help prevent certain autoimmune genetic expression, per se. But they don’t have to be really strict. So they can have a granola bar, or something.
But it’s hard, I think, because we want to be true to us, and we want to make people happy. Being a blogger is an interesting profession, because every day you’re receiving feedback from other people. Versus some jobs, or some online businesses even. You don’t have that direct to your reader relationship. But with us, we hear every day either confirmation that we’re doing something good or {laughs} the opposite, you know. Like you’re doing everything wrong.
Cassy Joy: {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: So, it is interesting. And for a while, I said, for example, I don’t want to do anything but food. It’s just food. It’s just recipes, and I don’t want to stray from that. So I wouldn’t necessarily include things about my family. Or I wouldn’t include things that I include now, like safer skincare.
But then I realized, that’s not my life. I do more than just eat all day long. I mean, come on. I’m still a mom. I’m juggling things. I have other business. I care about what goes on my body, because that’s part of autoimmune disease too. And once I realized that it was ok for me to change the definition of what I was providing for people based on what my reality is, then I feel like once I gave myself permission, other people did too. You know? And that was a big part of a transition from, “OK, I’ve just got to write recipes. That’s what I do! That’s a food blog. Food blogs provide food recipes!” You know. And I finally just said; ok. But there’s a lot, lot, lot more to my life than just creating recipes. So I need to be authentic about that, too.
Cassy Joy: I love it. And it’s the full picture. And I feel like that’s what you’re giving folks. At the end of the day, the answers to this lifestyle that you live aren’t on a plate. Some of them; a lot of them are. And that has a huge impact, but that’s not everything. It has to do with your mindset, your approach in general. Like you said, what’s going on your body and around your body and all the other things that we do. So I feel like we’re serving folks better by talking about that stuff.
Jennifer Robins: Yeah.
Cassy Joy: Jen is actually also a Beautycounter consultant; so she and I are both really in love with that. Well, I’m putting words in your mouth. I’m assuming you’re in love with that. {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: No, you’re right on. I am, for sure.
Cassy Joy: Yeah. It’s a wonderful line. And if you’ve never heard of it before, highly recommend you look it up. But it is a safer skincare company that we both decided to partner with. And it’s part of that, also. It’s like; you know what? Yes, we’re making decisions with regards to making decisions in certain ways as to what shows up on our plate and how we live our lives. But this is also the decision process that we go through in choosing a company that we support. So it is. It’s a really wonderful, full picture.
Well that’s great. I love following your career. I really, really admire you. And in case you guys didn’t know, the food product that I’m coming out with, Jen has been infinitely helpful in giving me all of her wonderful words of wisdom. And she was very gracious. She never said don’t do it. {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: {laughing}
Cassy Joy: She’s very encouraging, and gave me a very realistic overview of what it would look like. So if and when this thing comes out, and we keep kicking the can down the road.
Jennifer Robins: It will. It will happen. It’s all about your persistence and just changing what you imagine something would look like in order to make it really happen. Because I think going into a venture like that; there’s so much that you don’t know until you know.
Cassy Joy: Mm-hmm. That’s so true. You don’t know what you don’t know. And I’m so grateful to have a mentor like you in that. You just wait for those casseroles, they’re going to show up on your porch one day!
Jennifer Robins: I’m waiting! I’m checking the porch right now.
Cassy Joy: {laughing} They’re coming. I have some sample containers, at the very least. We’ve gotten that far. Well I would love to chat about; in addition to admiring you as a business woman, I really do admire you as a mom. And in how your family in general, and just kind of watching that part of your life unfold. I’m curious, now that we’re expecting our first little one this coming January, if you have any words of advice. Maybe looking back on when you were expecting your first. I’m sure a lot has changed since then. But any words of wisdom or pieces of advice you would have given yourself in my shoes at this stage?
Jennifer Robins: I think one thing is, especially now. I had my first almost 11 years ago. Next month he’ll be 11. So back then, there was a lot less social media. There was, I think I was on a Baby Center board. Like a support board for my month that I was due, and that was pretty much it. The nice thing about that is the amount of constant feedback from other people was limited. Which is not to say that people aren’t helpful, they are. And they’re usually really well-meaning. But sometimes it’s a lot of information coming to you at once. And sometimes it’s conflicting.
And sometimes it’s overwhelming, because you don’t really know what to pick through, what applies to you, what doesn’t. Because the baby is not even here yet, right? It’s all kind of theoretical how you’re going to do things until you meet your person, and find out what they’re like.
So I would say that no matter what people tell you, and no matter what well-meaning advice they give. “You have to use this kind of diaper. You have to swaddle them this way. Make sure you don’t let them sleep in whatever position is trending at that moment.” You know. It’s like, ultimately, you will know what you need to do for your baby when you meet your baby and you realize what she likes, or hates, or how shew ants to be held, or whatever. It’s so individual. And every baby really is so different. Our first was colicky; and oh my gosh. The fact that we ever had any more children. In fact, the second one was born less than a year after the first was born. So how they say you can get pregnant when you’re breastfeeding? Make sure that you listen to that, because I was 3 months postpartum and got pregnant on valentine’s day with number two.
Cassy Joy: {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: So. You pay attention to that, unless you want some Irish twins up in your hizzy.
Cassy Joy: {laughing}
Jennifer Robins: But yes. So ultimately, I think don’t try to plan so much in advance. Because the best laid plans, you know. This is what happens, they get blown out of the window. I think you will probably know exactly what you need to do; or you will figure it out as you learn together as a family, who she is as a person. And they really are very individual in their needs in some ways; other than the basic they poop, they pee, they eat, they sleep. Some better than others at different aspects of those four.
Even though the needs are basic, the individual character is not. So people who say, “When I’m a mom, I’m never doing XYZ because dut-dut-dut-dut-duh.” It’s like, well, you know, that’s great. I still think it’s very interesting how many people who aren’t parents give me parenting advice. And I’m just like; you know, I know. Like, 99% of the time it’s coming from a good place. But it’s not so black and white. There’s a lot of gray area, and there’s a lot of just figuring out how to dance together without stepping on each other’s toes. And that is something that only you will be able to figure out with your little Cricket.
Cassy Joy: Oh, I love that so much. That is so sweet, Jen. It is interesting, in this I’m actually. This is really ironic that this is my chosen business path, because I’m actually a pretty private person. {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: Yeah, right.
Cassy Joy: You know? So it’s really interesting the things that I do share online, I try to be as off the cuff as possible, because I know folks appreciate that. But when you share something off the cuff, it’s never the full picture. It’s a sound bite, or it’s 200 words, or whatever it is, if even that much. Or it’s a photo. And it is interesting the polarizing advice that you get. I totally agree with you. I think it all comes from a good place. But it is; the advice is interesting.
And I knew it would be an element going into it; I definitely anticipated that. But I did not anticipate how permeable I was {laughing} to some of the advice. You know?
Jennifer Robins: Yeah. Because it’s not just a criticism, or it’s not just something said about your work. It’s not saying, “There’s too much coconut sugar in this recipe.” Right? That’s not personal; and yet we can even take that personally. So if somebody tells you something about what to do with your life, with your child; you know, when your whole world is already changing. Then it’s like; “Oh my gosh, this is really personal.” Now you’ve let them into your home. Not just your recipe. {laughs}
Cassy Joy: Yeah.
Jennifer Robins: So it is. It’s a lot. And it’s hard when you want to be transparent, and you want to be sharing, and people are so exciting for you, I know. There’s nothing more exciting than celebrating a mom to be. But at the same time, it’s really information overload. On top of what you’re learning through your own resources that you actually sought out to learn from. So.
Cassy Joy: Absolutely.
Jennifer Robins: I think every mom, or dad. Every parent; but I imagine you’ll be spending the most time with her during the day. Every mom figures it out as they go. And sometimes there’s really great pieces of advice. And sometimes it’s just, it boils down to you and your kid and figuring out what works for y’all. And there’s nobody who can tell you how to do that.
Cassy Joy: Mm-hmm. I love that. That’s an empowering message. Right? Versus some of the alternative. I was chatting with my sister about the other day. And I’m just trying to wrap my mind around; what is it about some of the advice that is given to expectant moms, and folks who have kids when it comes to parenting advice. What is it about the nature of some of those pieces of advice that bugs me? Because I know it comes from a good place, but why does it bug me?
And I think it comes down to. I was talking this out with my sister, Kimberly. It’s because it propels this disempowered feeling, right? We’re so good at lifting each other up in business and in all kinds of other life decisions and life pursuits, but for some reason, sometimes when you introduce the concept of having a baby or raising children after the fact, the equation can kind of; we rewind the clock a little bit and start questioning. So I think your message is beautiful. It’s one of empowerment; “You’ll figure it out.” So that’s really encouraging, Jen.
Jennifer Robins: It is. Because there’s no absolutes. There are no absolutes. I’m dealing with something right now with my oldest child, and a situation at school where he’s afraid. He’s living in fear every day based on his experience with this particular teacher. And I’m working to help him get out of it; not because I want to do everything on his behalf, but because as a child, it’s harder to be your own advocate. Because when you speak up against an adult, and stand up for yourself, it’s considered disrespectful. So that’s where a parent has to step in.
But at the same time, I want him to also help steer this ship. Because he is old enough now, in turning 11 next month, that I don’t want to make decisions on his behalf that he is also old enough to play a role in. It’s this really; again, as a mom of a new baby, you are responsible for doing everything for this child. But as they grow, then now they get to have a voice and the outcome of things. And it’s been interesting because I shared not on social media, on my private page, but on my personal page I shared. And it’s interesting hearing from moms, teachers, other people who they really want the best for my kid also, and you can tell it’s all very heartfelt.
But at the same time, people say things like, “You need to get him out of there.” And it’s not even like a discussion. “As his mother, you need to get him out.” And I said, well, it’s not that simple. I have to chronicle everything with the school. I have to make sure that I’m documenting things. I also have to make sure that I’m respecting his wishes. You know?
Again. To speak in absolutes when it comes to parenting is just; you can’t really speak in absolutes about anything, and parenting is even more so. It’s just every situation, every child, every family is just so different. So yeah. You are going to kill it, girl. You’re going to be an awesome mom. And if nobody gave you a single piece of advice, you would still be an awesome mom.
Cassy Joy: You’re the best, Jen. {laughs} Thank you.
Jennifer Robins: It’s true. It’s true.
Cassy Joy: I think you’re an incredible mom. I’ve watched a little bit of that story unfold, because we’re personal friends on Facebook. And I just really admire everything that you’ve done. It’s incredible. I absolutely see that as true. My doctor cracked a joke with me when we had gone in at the beginning, and she said; I think my husband had asked her, you know. Is there anything special we should be doing between now and the next visit? And she said, “Nope. It’s really easy right now. This is the easiest part of parenthood.”
Jennifer Robins: {laughing}
Cassy Joy: You want her to eat? She’s a mom of four. “She eats what you want her to eat, she goes where you want her to go.” {laughing}
Jennifer Robins: Yep.
Cassy Joy: So enjoy this phase. It only gets more and more complicated as the years go by.
Jennifer Robins: Totally. Totally. It’s going to be awesome. I mean; I would say if there is one piece of actual advice that’s not just some notion of whatever, is soak in the first few weeks when things are just you and the baby and your husband and it’s quiet and you’re in the house. Those; it’s so magical, even though it’s really stressful and you’re exhausted. But I look back to just the early days of first becoming a mom and reflecting on that where you’re just like, “Oh my gosh. I created this human. How is this possible?” It’s like, you’re in such disbelief. But those are the moments that I think are just the sweetest.
Cassy Joy: Oh. That’s so sweet. That gives me goosebumps. I’m sitting in her nursery right now.
Jennifer Robins: Aww!
Cassy Joy: Very easy to imagine. Well, at least I’ll be sitting in this room. {laughing} I’m sure new things will come. Jen, thank you so much for everything. For being the incredible business woman that you are; the incredible mom sharing your pieces of advice and words of wisdom and empowering message overall. It means a lot.
Jennifer Robins: Aww. I’m so glad. I’m so glad that you think that I’m helpful. Because really, I’m just in survival mode. I am so glad I put it out there in the universe that I have created a different scenario.
Cassy Joy: {laughing} You’re doing an incredible job. Like I said before, I will link to everything. All of Jen’s awesome work on the website and the show notes. But just in case you need a quick rundown, I’m going to tell you the names of her books; the four books we’ve got out there, The New Yiddish Kitchen, Down South Paleo, Paleo Kid’s Cookbook, and then Paleo Cooking with your Instant Pot, which is another just absolutely, she knocked it out of the park. If you’re new to the Instant Pot multicooker sensation, highly recommend you look it up. She’ll guide you, walk you through it. You’ve taught me, essentially how to use my Instant Pot. You didn’t know that, but you did. {laughs}
Jennifer Robins: {laughing}
Cassy Joy: So she’s got a wealth of stuff. And of course, there’s also LegitBreadCompany.com where you can go ahead and grab loaves or mixes of all those wonderful things we talked about. Jen, thank you so much for coming on the show today.
Jennifer Robins: OH, thanks for having me on, Cassy. I’m so glad to be here.
Cassy Joy: It’s my pleasure. Thanks everybody for dialing in. We’ll be back again next week.