Check out this kick-butt, no-equipment-needed killer home workout from the ‘Fed & Fit’ book!

I’ve spent a good amount of time talking about the recipes in my ‘Fed & Fit’ book here (see these stuffed peppers, this cauliflower “potato” salad, and this slow cooker barbacoa), on my podcast, and on social media. You could say I’ve made you amply aware of the fed pieces of the book …but what about the fit? A vital component of The Fed & Fit Project is establishing (and staying committed to) a workout routine that you LOVE. I provide a pretty comprehensive overview of how to find *your* IFF (Ideal Fitness Fit), but in an effort to up the ante even further, I turned to my dear friend Juli Bauer for help.
Juli is the the creator of, accomplished trainer, New York Times best selling author, and overall BOSS. Her work ethic and energy keep me inspired in this business and in my personal fitness journey. Juli is GREAT at authoring workouts and I asked if she’d help provide some killer home workout inspiration for the book.
Long story short, she said YES! She offered up a complete set of home workouts for the 28-day Fed & Fit Project template provided in the book (in addition to helping me with The Project Online). These workouts are BUTT-KICKING, so don’t be deceived by how nice and tidy they look on paper. These workouts have been a total life safer for yours truly while I’ve been traveling for book PR. Whether you’re traveling, haven’t quite found a gym you enjoy, simply prefer working out from home, or missed your scheduled workout and just need one you can quickly knock out while the kids are down for a nap, THESE ARE FOR YOU.
Here are some of the fit pieces in the ‘Fed & Fit’ book:
- Pillar #4: Fitness — fun, geeky science with tips on establishing your IFF
- Home Workouts — authored by Juli for the 28-day Project.
- Pre-Workout Warm-Ups — 4 different options with suggestions for which to use before each of Juli’s workouts.
- 6-Minute Post-Workout Mobility — 4 different options with suggestions for which to use after each of Juli’s workouts.
- Recommended Equipment List — not necessary, but nice to have if you’re starting a home gym.
- Metabolism-Boosting Modifications — some suggestions if you’re looking for an even greater challenge.
- Detailed Workout Descriptions — long-form explanations for each of Juli’s workout provided in an index in the back of the book. We included this to help demystify some of the exercise lingo for anyone who may want clarification!
- Fitness Index — a comprehensive photo guide (lots of pictures of Juli and myself!) showing you the steps for each exercie movement in the book with matching narratives.
Pretty cool, huh?
So I’m not just mercilessly teasing you, I’m going to share a killer home workout from the book here today!
‘Fed & Fit’ Book Sample Workout
Today’s sample is from Day 6 (page 91).
- 25 burpees
- 3 rounds:
- 30-second handstand hold
- 30-second plank hold
- 30-second air squat hold
3 rounds of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
- in-and-out jumps
- walking lunches (each leg)
- mountain climbers
- 2-minute (each leg) kneeling quad stretches
- 2-minute (each leg) runner’s stretches
- 1-minute (each leg) standing forward fold
After completing warm-up C, do 10 in-and-out jumps, 10 walking lunges on each leg, and 10 mountain climbers. Immediately after completing the last rep of mountain climbers, repeat the sequence, but this time do 9 reps of each movement. Continue in this fashion, removing 1 rep of each exercise from each new round, with no break between sets. After you complete the last round consisting of 1 rep of each exercise, immediately restart the circuit, doing 10, then 9, then 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 rep of each movement, for a total of 3 rounds. Finish with mobility B.
Remember that you can snag a copy of my book TODAY at your neighborhood Barnes & Noble or you can order one HERE.
Book Tour: I’d LOVE to meet you while we’re out on our book tour next month! Click HERE for the full list of dates, locations, and for links to RSVP.
I did this workout this morning and LOVED it! I’m excited to do more from the book!!