Today we are diving into how to build your very own DIY Egg-Free Breakfast! We’ll show you the basics of constructing a balanced plate along with multiple options for each of your macronutrients to keep your egg-free breakfasts exciting every day of the week!

DIY Egg Free Breakfast plate with sausage, oranges, avocado, kale and plantains

I’ve always made an effort to develop egg-free breakfasts here on Fed and Fit, both for those of you who can’t tolerate eggs and those who just get tired of eggs every morning. A few months ago, I took a food sensitivity test and was surprised to test positive to eggs! This also lead me to find out that y’all are dying for more egg-free breakfast options, so we decided to put together this mix-and-match egg-free breakfast guide! For some reason, when we think breakfast we usually go to two categories- the first, eggs, bacon, and a starch like potatoes, or the egg-free direction, which includes things like cereal, oatmeal, bagels, or smoothies. BUT, being egg-free doesn’t have to mean a low-protein breakfast. It is totally possible to have an egg-free breakfast that is nutrient-dense and will keep you full all morning!

Building a Balanced Egg-Free Breakfast Plate

We want this post to be a really great resource for you to reference when youโ€™re meal planning, grocery shopping, or standing in front of your open fridge, scratching your head at what to make. Letโ€™s chat about the essentials of a balanced breakfast plate!ย 


The sky is the limit here! You could rely on traditional breakfast meats like sausage, but other proteins make for an excellent breakfast as well. ย Explore with new flavors, spices, and cuisines to keep your morning meal interesting!ย 

Our favorite protein options:

  • Breakfast sausage – you can buy this pre-made or make your own with different flavors and ground meats!
  • Link Sausage – Chicken apple sausage varieties make a particularly great breakfast!
  • Chorizo – perfect for a slightly spicy, Mexican twist to your morning meal.
  • Chicken – chicken is so mildly flavored it can pair well with anything.


Potatoes seem to be the go-to standard carby fare on most peopleโ€™s breakfast plates, but again, we can push the boundaries of โ€œnormalโ€ here too!

Our favorite breakfast starches:

  • Potatoes – we love frozen hash browns, or you can make smashed potatoes, or fry up some breakfast potatoes!
  • Sweet Potatoes – you can bake them and stuff them with breakfast sausage, cut them up and roast or pan-fry them, or shred them for sweet potato hash browns.
  • Plantains – possibly my FAVORITE breakfast starch, this one pairs especially well next to some chorizo. Simply peel a browned plantain, slice into 1/4-inch thick discs, then fry in a tablespoon of oil of your choice over high heat for 3-4 minutes per side until browned.
  • Jicama – this root veggie is delicious raw, but when cooked can be a great lower-carb and nightshade-free potato replacement. You can find Jicama Breakfast Cakes in the Fed and Fit Book, and these Jicama Home Fries from Fork and Beans also look amazing!
  • Beets, Carrots, Rutabaga, and Turnips – these root veggies are a fantastic starch option for winter months. Eat each on its own or make a whole pan of roasted root veggies.
  • Winter squash – butternut and acorn squash are fantastic breakfast options that can be used much in the same way as sweet potatoes!
  • Grains – if you tolerate grains well, feel free to include oatmeal, gluten free toast, corn or Siete grain-free tortillas, or even a yummy breakfast treat like coffee cake!


This is when you really get to have some fun on your plate! You can add tons of flavors, textures, colors, and nutrients by simply adding a variety of colorful veggies to your plate. We love going heavy on some leafy greens, or selecting some really tasty nutrient dense seasonal veggies to keep the meal energy packed.ย 

Our favorite breakfast veggies:

  • Kale – lemony kale is one of my most popular recipes… and my favorite time to eat it? BREAKFAST of course! Seriously, this lemony kale, and greens in general, go a long way to giving me energy for the day and starting my day off in a healthy direction.
  • Other leafy greens – spinach, collards, chard, or a fresh arugula salad with a bit of sea salt and lemon make for excellent breakfasts!
  • Roasted veggies – pre-roasted Brussels sprouts. cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms or even tomatoes or bell peppers make a delicious addition to any breakfast.


We donโ€™t always include fruit on our plate, but it can be a wonderful addition for extra substance to the meal. When weโ€™re picking fruit for breakfast we tend to lean towards dark, antioxidant rich berries, or take a leap and see whatโ€™s in season to get the richest and sweetest varieties.ย 

Flavor-Boosting Sauces

If you donโ€™t have a sauce, itโ€™s not the end of the world! ย If youโ€™re struggling with feeling bored with breakfast though, this is the easiest way to add some flavor and change up your regular plate! ย Not only does it give you a fun way to incorporate flavors, but more often than not, itโ€™s a GREAT way to get some healthy fats into your meal.ย 

Our favorite sauces:

Egg-Free Breakfast Recipes

For days you want to mix things up beyond the traditional egg-free breakfast plate, here are some of our favorite egg-free breakfast recipes from around the web!

DIY Egg-Free Breakfast chorizo sheet pan dinner

Savory Breakfasts

More Favorites from Around the Web:

DIY Egg Free Breakfast Mango Lassi Smoothie Bowl

Sweet Breakfasts

More Favorites from Around the Web:

We hope you have a fantastic time exploring all of the possibilities you can create on your plate!


About the Author

Cassy Joy Garcia, NC

Cassy Joy Garcia, a New York Times best-selling author, of Cook Once Dinner Fix, Cook Once Eat All Week, and Fed and Fit as well as the creative force behind the popular food blog Fed & Fit.

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  1. Thank you so much for this resource. I eat Paleo egg free, but struggle with breakfast ideas. This was the best blog post about egg free breakfasts! Thank you!!!